
Before going on any further on my blog, look out side, unless theirs a storm going theres no reason you should be on my blog you should be fishing!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

interview with baitshop worker

Q: what are some benifits to using live bait?
A: you dont have to worrie about doing a certin jig to get the fish to come in, becuse the bait's natural smell and look will draw the fish in.

Q: are their benifits to using "fake bait"?
A: Yes, their are many benifits of using plastics,hardbaits,crankbaits,jigs ex.,Fake bait have colors,twist,jerks ex. that real bait dont have. yea fake bait is a little more work to fish with becuse of the constent jerking and jigging to make them look alive, but the results are worth it when you finnaly get the fish attion.

Q:whats the ideal crappie hotspot?
A: for me i would look for a shallow bank with logs and reeds, that has a desent drop off and mabey some fallen over trees or other structure.

Q: What would be the bait of chose in that area of fishing?
A: simple bobber rig up with just a normal hook and a minnow, throw it right by some stucture and slowly jig it out into deeper water.

quick tips

Monday, May 23, 2011

Warmer Weather

warmer weathers rolling in quick and so are the fish. Was able to use some of the nice weather to my addvantage this weekend when some friends and I went out to a smaller lake out in the far end of wright county, the fish were more than happy to make sure it we would have some fun, with all of the hard hits with empty promises and the occasonal snag by my buddy. it all payed off when we found the perfect calm spot where the fish were bitting and we wernt being pushed around. Tip: some fish are spawning right now and they will be moved up into shallow warm weather.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


ask me about any qestions you have with fishing and I will give you the best answer I can to help

Monday, April 25, 2011


few days with the sun! but are you using it to your full advantage? the suns not staying around for much longer and the clouds will be rolling in with some nasty weather..but if you were to go out tonight into a little bay with some good over hanging limbs, you would be able to throw your jib/bobber or other rig right around it and nail some of Wright countys true spring slabs.( personal reconmandation. set up 2 diffrent rods, one set up with a bobber and a simple hook, baited with either a small crappie minnow or a waxie, second use a lighter rod and line and put either a mimic minnow 1 inch, or a northland spinning grub combo.)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Last days of Apirl

it's been a mix of weathers from the begining of the month but as we get closer to may the weather will start warming the water bring fish into shallower water. fishing opener is coming up fast also! get your gear ready and find a spot to be siting on opening morning. remember its not allways the fancy jigs and baits that catch the fish, it's technics and knowledge of the water your fishing.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

open water!

lakes are finaly cleared in the wright county area. but they are really flooded, this is not a completly bad thing becuse it allows you to get your boat/canoe into smaller shallower area where you wouldent be able to reach during the summer when the water levels are back to noraml. so if you now of any shallow spot that have allways been a hot spot but you havent been able to get at go check it out and see if your able to use the extra water to your advantage.

panfish rigs and jigs.

these are some of the first things i grab for when i go out panfishing, fake bait can be more effective than live bait when used properly. And can give you the compitive edge over any live bait after learning the proper jigs and jerks to make them come alive.

Monday, April 11, 2011

clearing lakes

warm weather and rain are moving in fast and the ice has no chance of staying around for much longer being that we are almost half way through apirl. try finding a little creek that comes off of your favorite lake that is opened up, even if their is a little ice in some areas, the ice can come to your advantage being that panfish like to be hidden in darkness(weeds,logs,ex.) and watch what is being presented to them and then make a desion to attack it or not, so having the ice their could help you if the fish are sitting undernieth of it waiting for something to come along. remember these fish have been under the ice for months now and they are being exsposed to all of the light again, use something flashy like a little lindy rig with either a leech,nightcrawer or waxie on it. throw it out right in front of the ice and reel in slow and see what happens, if you dont get any responce after a few throws, either try a diffrent area or try a diffrent bait to get their attion.

1st video

going to be putting a fishing video togther and woundering what it should be about.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ice fishing 2011

top picture: late night out on lake charrlet right on top of a 16 foot drop off onto a semi sandy bottom. was useing the vexilar to time my jigging while using smaller crappie minnows and wax worms.

Bottom picture: bringing home the nights catch from pelican lake, we were using crappie minnows and slowly jigging them in a weedy bottom in about 9 feet of water.

last days of march

march is coming to a end, april will be bring warmer weather thats going to be melting all the ice away giveing opertunity for early spring fishing. get out there early for cold water fishing before weeds and vegatation takes over some of the best spots for crappies and sunfish.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


We are half way through march allready witch means melting ice and moving fish, the 2011 fishing season is coming fast and so are the new jigs and equipment. there is no such thing as having to much tackle and you never can be over-prepared, so do your self a favor and go get everything that you will be needing for the start of the season and save some money while stores like Cabelas and Fleet farm are having there big spring sales.